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Nivedita Classes

Important Information

Nivedita ClassesNivedita Classes provide not only study material, regular test and quiz but keep focus from very first day on every point effects the preparation. Nivedita Classes all know that the result of all small activities make a combined big effect on the growth of any person's life. Nivedita Classes generate the ability of making the different types of queries on each & every topic, and approach every problem with a systematic and applicable solution. Nivedita Classes immediate concern is a firm foundation of the basic concepts which leads to a better career growth eventually. 

Free : -  INR No info/-
Duration :- 3 Months
Address :- E-91, Ground Floor, Near Bengali Sweets, South Ext - 1, New Delhi, 110049
Email :-

Exams Prepared For :- Bank Po & clerk Coaching, SSC Coaching, NDA Exam Coaching, IBPS Po Coaching, IBPS Clerk Coaching, SBI Po & Clerk Coaching, RBI Exam Coahcing, SSC CGL Exam Coaching,